Wow, Hagg Lake was like a bathtub! It had been around 100 degrees in the Portland area for the 3 days leading up to the race. The swim was two .6 mile laps. The first lap was like glass, the

Swim Distance 1.2 Miles
Swim Finnish Time 43 Minutes
Women Overall 16/28
Age Group F30-34 3/6
Thanks to lubing myself up like a slithery snake between the “suite juice” and body glide had a transition time of 2:11 between getting my suite off and getting my bike stuff on. This was the most challenging bike course I have EVER faced in a tri. The course was two laps around hilly

During the bike route kept my hr in the mid to high 150’s for the most part (z2). Did go into z3 (163-170) on some of the hills. I did not have my normal HR monitor (had to ship it to a service center in Seattle to have the battery replaced). My glutes (English translation = butt) muscles were on fire! Love the tri bike though, makes me use my glutes so my legs are fresher for the run. The monitor I was wearing did not have an average hr feature. Damn it! Without my trusty ANALyzer what was a girl to do!
As far as nutrition goes, the first hour I got through one hammer gel and one bottle of Perpeteum. Between hour 1 and 2 got through another hammer gel and most of the second bottle of Perpeteum Between hour 2 and 3 got through the 2nd bottle of Perpeteum and about a ¼ of the 3rd bottle along with a 3rd gel shot. Total caloric intake on the bike was 560 calories. It was around 75-80 degrees with cloud cover and about 56 percent humidity.
Bike Distance 56 Miles
Bike Finnish Time 3:00 hr
Average Pace 18.6
Women Overall 10/28
Age Group F30-34 3/6
As I was heading into transition to get off my bike and into my run gear I was met by cheers from my in-laws, hubby, and nephew. It was so nice to have them there cheering me on. My Bike to Run transition was 1 minute! The run was pretty flat. Two loops basically around the Intel campus and though a park. I didn’t know Hillsboro had parks, I thought it just had Winco and the Streets of Tanasbourne. Around mile 1 stopped to use the crapper. I was not going to leave anything to chance at this point. I knew I would not be able to hold it for then next 1:50

Run Distance 13.1 Miles
Run Finnish Time 1hr 58 min
Average Pace 9 min per mile
Women Overall 11/28
Age Group F30-34 4/6
Overall Finnish time 5hrs 45minutes
Women Overall 12/28
Age Group F30-34 3/6
After the race was really nauseous and felt like whatever I ate might come back up. Did force myself to eat some pork, salad, and a banana about 20 min after the race. I needed to get some protein and glycogen back to my muscles. I was covered in salt after the race (think from sweating out all the endurolytes?). The salt was so thick it was coming through my clothes. Wonder if nausea was caused by electrolyte imbalance? Felt a little nauseated for the remainder of the day (which is unusual for me). By the time I woke up Monday AM the nausea had gone away. Besides the overall muscle tightness, I felt normal.
The day after the race I had an hour and a half massage and a spinal/neck adjustment from my chiropractor. This is the ticket and what I will do from this point forward after completing every half IM! Three days after the race as I write this my body feels great (although my sinus's are on fire from the extreme weather change)
Race season 2008 has officially ended! I feel like I have met my goals for this year and that had a strong season. Besides cutting my finger with a butcher knife resulting in stitches and a freaky bloody nose resulting in packing and carterization (keeping me out of the pool for a total of 3 weeks) I really did not have any setbacks. I am happy and contemplating what my goals for 2009 will be. A full Ironman? Qualifying for the Half Ironman world championships in Clearwater Florida? I will keep you updated ;-)