Thursday, June 7, 2007

Trip To The Dakotas

En Route to moms farm from Rapid City SD on April 19th! It was 65 and sunny like 60 miles before this!

Mom and husbands farm, pretty incredible. Next time you enjoy your Top Loin in a steakhouse (or if your a hippie your hummus - they do grow chic peas as well) remember city folk, this is where it all starts!

These baby calves are around 1-3 weeks and about 80 pounds. The cows motto is "epidural is for sissy's". They told me.

There were four baby calves who were bum. Means either the mom rejected them, died, or had twins so "kicked" one off. As you can tell this calf does not have very good etiquite. STAY, WAIT!!!! Oh yea, thats right, its not a dog. Here is a buisness idea; Petsmart obedience, for cows!

My mom's pet cow Patty. Mom says she bares a striking resemblance to one of her best friends consequently, whos name happens to be Patty. Good thing Patty has a sense of humor, not sure how I would handle the bovine comparision ;-)

THE FAM (not the FARM)


Grandpa - Yes in the Dakotas they say Grandpa and not Grand-dad!

Aunt 1 - Another Dakotaism is Aunt is pronounced like the bug, Ant, not Ont!

Aunt 2

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