Okay, this was like 4 months ago but forgive me for not having a blog site then ;-). This was too cool of an experience not to post; I aein't never met anyon famous befr'. My friend T won backstage passes on Sirius radio to meet the band backstage! A drunken prefunk ensued at T's house in preparation for the big event ...

Once we arrived at the Memorial Coliseum we had a couple more drinks to prevent any potential buzz kill. We had to meet at a designated area where the band manager and a security guard took us down in the pits to meet the band. To our dismay it was announced no personal photos ;-( As we were waiting to meet the band downstairs T was asking the band manager things about the different members. He announced the drummer Daniel's trademark saying is "Party on Bitches" and that my boyfriend (Ryan the guitarist) is a huge country music fan! We then get taken through the metal detectors to meet the band and SHABAAAAM!!!we catch our first glimpse! As we are approaching the band for autographs (we had the band picture they gave us as an item for them to sign) my mind starts going blank and my mouth starts going dry. They were seated at a table and for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I was speechless! I couldn't talk without my lips sticking to my teeth. They were probably thinking "where did the meth addict come from, were we not just in Spokane last night" I wonder if I had any of that dried mucus stuff showing that seems to present itself in these types of situations for me. T on the other hand held it together and was very cool! The first at the table was Mike the bassist then seated next to him was Daniel. T asked the guys, as per the song "Rockstar", if they have indeed ever "joined the mile high club at 37,000 feet". Mike and Daniel laughed and blushed then retorted with "no, but what are you doing later". We then came up to Ryan, the guitarist. I just refer to him as my boyfriend, for future reference. He is by far the most intriguing and handsome member in the group. The only think I could think of to say was "My husband would love you; he is a huge country music fan". He then said "oh yea" and smiled. He was by far the most introverted and shy in the group. Kind of funny for a guitarist, normally they are show hounds on and off stage. The last at the table was Chad, the lead singer. He was definitely sure of himself and very good looking in real life. Prior to meeting him in person I always thought he had an uncanny resemblance to Jesus; TV and Photographs really do not do him justice! We concurred T and Chad have the same hair; Chad if you ever read this, please do not ever flat iron your hair again (not unless you are trying on purpose to look like a level 3 sex offender). Once we got done with the autographs we then got our picture taken with the band! I was able to squeak out a meek "nice to meet you" when we were done, followed by Daniel saying "nice to meet you ladies too" in this I'm not sure if he is really engaged tone of voice ;-) As we were parting T gave the recommended farewell of "Party on Bitches" and the whole band was laughing. Once we left the repressed excitement came rushing out of me like a smoltering couger and I went tearing down the hall hysterically screaming "I MET NICKELBACK OH MY GOD I MET NICKELBACK" followed by a couple of attempted cartwheels, screaming, and hysterical jumping up and downs! The bands manager came and talked to us after the event and said "we were cool ladies" and asked our names. As long as I don't end up on the bands website doing wheelbarrows (I believe that's what they call a cartwheel that really isn't) I will be happy! The concert of course was amazing!!! Definitely a blog worthy experience I will never forget!
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